1.  The Huntsville Bar Association (HBA) membership mailing labels are available for sale at a charge of $200 per set.

2.  Labels may not be purchased for commercial purposes, including the advertising or selling of products or services.

3.  The purpose of any mailing using HBA mailing labels must be disclosed to the HBA.

4.  Candidates for judicial office may purchase mailing labels from the HBA for $200 per set.

5.  Outside associations or entities may purchase HBA mailing labels to promote seminars or events, provided the seminars or events do not conflict with HBA-sponsored seminars or events.

6.  The HBA may provide mailing labels electronically, but only to a "mailhouse" or company engaged in the printing, addressing, and mailing of bulk pieces, and only after receipt of a confidentiality and destruction agreement signed by the "mailhouse" or company.

7.  The HBA reserves the right, in its discretion, not to sell mailing labels or provide electronic mailing labels to any or all prospective purchasers.

8.  HBA membership email addresses will not be provided to third-parties or outside entities.


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